In a Coaching⋅with⋅The⋅Field

  • You ask your questions about your topics and issues  – whether professional, private, or personal.
  • You receive concrete, detailed answers, ideas, helpful insights, and suggestions with actionable steps and solutions from me and The Field.
  • … and gain greater clarity, agency, confidence, and self-efficacy.

The more specific your questions, the more detailed the answers from The Field. That’s why I also support you in finding the right questions, as well as with my skills as a coach.

For more information, scroll down.

In a Coaching⋅with⋅The⋅Field Balancing Session

We will log you into The Field and embark on an “inner journey” together with impactful results. We will explore and work on, for example:

Beliefs, patterns, blockages, resistances, unrecognized shadows, sabotage programs, inherited issues from a system (e.g., family system)
Emotions such as anger and rage, fears, as well as uncertainties, feelings of powerlessness, anxiety, frustration, confusion, exhaustion, overwhelm, and more, and strengthen your resources, self-efficacy, and mental health

For more information, click here

Suggestions come from The Field. You decide whether and how to act on them.
The Field is not a crystal ball and doesn’t make predictions about the future. While it may highlight trends that are already emerging and potentially influencing the future, this is always just a snapshot, as the future is not set in stone.

Life & Business Coaching

Whether for professional or personal matters: If you’re seeking more clarity, direction, agency, mental strength, and emotional balance, The Field and I can support you,

for example through:

  • Learning mental techniques
    • that rewire the brain to stop generating a problem—such as fear—so that you become (or regain being) more stress-resistant and capable.
    • that allow you to train and enhance skills and abilities—just like professional athletes or NASA pilots.
  • Balancing work with The Field or Systemic Constellation Work, to neutralize the effects of unconscious, often inherited beliefs, emotions, avoidance programs, or limiting strategies.
  • Learning strategies to better align external demands with your own needs, goals, and values.

Couple Coaching & Counseling

A relationship that is to remain supportive, fulfilling, and enriching requires nurturing. Unfortunately, no one has told us, and very few have demonstrated, how to do that.

The imprints and possible wounds that we all have to varying degrees and bring into a partnership make things more complicated.

So, unconscious dynamics come into play, we feel misunderstood, not seen, criticize more than we appreciate, and may even hurt each other – without intending to.

  • Whether it’s just a few ‘sand grains in the machinery’ or if things are already ‘rumbling,’ it is rarely too late for a successful relationship if both are willing to embark on this adventure together, individually and as a couple.
  •  And if couple coaching leads to the clarity that it is healthier for both to end the relationship, it can help make the letting go and farewell as peaceful as possible.

Introductory Session

Click icon to schedule an appointment

15 min. = $0
by phone or online

Book a free introductory / trial session and let’s find out if and how I can help with your issues and how we can work together.

Coaching & Balancing Session

Click icon to schedule an appointment

Self-Paying Clients:
1 Session: $160 / 5 Sessions: $750

Business Clients:
1 Session: $280 / 5 Sessions: $1,250

Couple Session:
1 Sessioin: $250 / 5 Sessions: $1,100

Duration per Session: 60 minutes.
All fees include applicable VAT.